Investor. Weight lifter. Associate Professor.
In that order.
I have been fascinated by how things work since I was a child. The variety of things that fascinated me covered a wide spectrum: from the shapes and materials of bridges to how Coca-Cola can handle their sales at a world-wide level. I attended university seeking the answers, just to find more and more questions. After pursuing my MSc in Civil Engineering, an MBA and a PhD, I knew only one thing: I have greed for knowledge.
Working as a university professor is therefore a perfect match for me: I get paid at the time I can quench my thirst for knowledge. But what really drives my day is to find those companies that find their way to adding value to customers and stakeholders in a sustained manner. Yes, I am a long-term investor.
And I lift weights, as the only activity on life that can bring some honest certainty and predictability. And it feels damn good.